Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weekend in review...

This weekend, we were busy, busy, busy!

My husband, Mr. Pharmaceutical, signed our family up for the Diabetes Walk-a-thon in Yuma Arizona. He set up a booth displaying information about diabetes, and how his company has medicines that can help. Even though he only did a "talk-a-thon" while Joel and I were the only two who did the walk-a-thon, it was a great day!

As Joel and I were walkin' (well, Joel actually just rode piggy back on my back!!!) we sang our ABC's, and days of the week. We talked about the river next to us, (the Colorado river) and how it would be so nice to go to swimming in, say, the beach...

After we crossed the finish line, we packed up and did just that- we went to the beach!!!

Holland asked us about every 30 seconds (of a 3 hour drive...) if we were really going to the beach, and if she could really dig in the sand, and if we were almost there, and if she could really dig in the sand, and if we were really going to the beach... (you get the picture)
Needless to say, Holland LOVES everything about the beach.
This pi
cture says everything her heart has to say about it!
Once at the beach
, we played, we explored, and we had fun just being together!

When it got dark, we went to a greasy taco shop for dinner. They were amazing!!! (Except for the grit from the relentless sand.)

next day, we began our festivities with a little trip to Ikea. Holland has been talking and dreaming about the blessed day when she would be tall enough to go into the play place with her siblings. Mr. Pharmaceutical and I crossed our fingers as the attendant assessed her height. Finally when she gave her approval, our whole family jumped up and down and cheered for the little gal! (Even the people in line behind us congratulated her... ) Mr. Pharmaceutical and I high fived each other as we were able to enjoy every nook and cranny of Ikea... childless!!!
After Ikea, and like a hundred dollars later, we went back to the Pier/beach.
We drank hot chocolate, saw a seal, Ethan tried unsuccessfully to catch
a pigeon or seagull, and we watched the fishermen.
In the afternoon, Mr. Pharmaceutical and I took a nap
in the sand while our kids soaked up the sun and waves. It was such a great weekend! Best of all, we got to spend it together. What a delightfully splendid weekend!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Ick! I feel sick...

Today I woke up, took shower, got dressed in pj's, and went back to bed.

My darling husband got up, got the kids to school, got me a soda from 7 11, and went to work.

My kids got up, went to school, came home, and made Mom some noodle soup.

Although still queasy and feverish, I think I'm ready to get out of bed-

Then again... maybe not!

Sweater Weather

One of my favorite times of the year is when sweater weather is upon us. When we lived in Illinois, sweater weather came a little earlier, and lasted a little longer. I am ashamed that I did not really relish it the way it should have been. Since we now abide in the desert, I look to any opportunity I can to dawn the comfy item. I swear I feel a little cheerier while wearing long sleeves!

Yesterday the desert winds kicked up and it was a mere 51 degrees so... on went the sweater. Today, it is a "crisp" 77 degrees... on goes the sweater. Tomorrow will be 89 degrees... I wonder which sweater I will wear?

Oh... and did I mention that flip flop season is here to stay?! Thank goodness.
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