Monday, November 19, 2007

No Pockets

In Primary the teacher asked "all the kids to dig deep in their pockets and pull out their listening ears and put them on."

Joel looked down and got all weepy, "I don't have any pockets!"

One day Joel paused the GI Joe scene he was acting out to tell me, "Mom, this life is just a dream."

"What do you mean?" I half heartedly asked as I was in the middle of a project...

"Well, in the other life, people are happier," he responded and then went about his business with saving the wounded soldier from Cobra Commander.
"That is interesting, Son."

As I thought about what he told me, I could agree that it was truth spoken from the mouth of a baby. What does he know? What has he not forgotten? Does he still visit with God and just not know any different? Who is there... in the other life? Why are they so much happier?

That is interesting, Son.


nee-nah said...

I can't tell you how much I love that boy. His innocence gives me so much faith that my dad went to an incredible place. I am so glad i read that tonight. It could not have been better timing.

Amy said...

How sweet. I don't normally comment on every blog entry I read but yours warranted them. I can't wait to read more!

Andrews Family said...

found him!!!